Tacomans battle for TODAY Show's Man Panel

By weeklyvolcano on November 3, 2009


James-Hume Dead Artist, Kulture Lab producer, and Tacoma man-about-town James Hume (pictured) is in the finals for a spot on the TODAY Show’s man panel.

What is the man panel?

“Funny, that's what I asked just before I shot my video entry,” explains Hume. Officially called Guys Tell All, it’s a panel of four dudes that answer â€" with humor â€" random questions from women on the streets of New York City.”

His buddy Steve Haverly, also from Tacoma, convinced Hume to enter the contest.

“Now were both in the finals competing against each other,” laughs Hume.

It’s true. Both Tacomans shot a video, worked their way through the system and ended up in the finals.

To view their videos and vote, click here.

The winner will be announced on air Monday, Nov. 9.