It's about the Children!

By weeklyvolcano on December 15, 2009


We received an e-mail from "Dale" via an urbanXchange e-mail regarding First Night Tacoma’s dire need for volunteers. It’s a lovely e-mail and a worthy cause:

If you read through this email you will find the information on entry into three Tacoma museums for only $10.

OK, here's the deal:  First Night needs volunteers.  YOU don't have to volunteer...although for the life of me I don't know why you wouldn't....but you do need to do something to get me off your butt and quit sending these emails.

We are looking at one of the most varied and eclectic First Nights ever held in Tacoma.  Things will be going on that you would normally see only at Burning Man or during flashbacks to your 60's LSD days.

Music, dance, crafts....I could go on but just google TacomaFirstNight and let the professional web people tell you more.

This email is not about is about needing volunteers.  With one of the best Tacoma First Night celebrations ever just around the corner, we have about 1/4 of the volunteers we need.

Just think of First Night not being about me....or about fun and games....think about First Night being about........The Children!  Instead of being left at home in the care of some cold and heartless baby sitter who couldn't get a job elsewhere, First Night brings the children downtown with their family and friends to celebrate the New Year in a family friendly, alcohol free environment.

Just think about how some of you turned out because you couldn't celebrate that way when you were young!  And how much better you could have turned out if only there had of been a First Night for your family!

Now, I know some of you can't make First Night....but if you can just send this email on to others who might then you will have performed a great service for us. 

Here is more of the deal:  if we don't get enough volunteers my good friend Bubba the Biker will be drawing one of your names from a Jade Mountain Bamboo Nursery hat (the nursery that specializes in bamboos hardy enough to survive sub-freezing temperatures) and he will pay you a visit.

And as he pummels you, the thought will cross your mind, "I should have listened to Dale, because it really was ABOUT THE CHILDREN!"

Got it?

A small group of you may not know much about First Night.  The Reader's Digest condensed description is that downtown Tacoma is closed to vehicular traffic on New Year's Eve and a wide range of entertainment is provided for kids of all ages....actual real kids and fake kids 62 years old with beards.  It is an alcohol and drug free event.

Buttons that get you into all the venues (15 venues in doors and out) are $10/adult, less than that for kids (the cost slipped my mind), and there is a special family package.

Buttons will also get you into the Tacoma Art Museum, the Glass Museum, and the Museum of History.....on New Years eve day itself and until the Museums close that day.  Three major lousy ten dollar bill.  That is a stimulating package! (Oh, and that button also will get you into the Pythian Lodge where you can hear Joanna and friends play the hurdy gurdy.)

You can get more information at

A supporter of First is Puget Sound Revels:

Please pass this on to others who might want to help.  Volunteers get a button free and Bubba leaves them alone.

It's about the Children!


LINK: Volunteer Damnit