The Mystery of the Vanishing Intern

By Emily Myers on January 18, 2010


No, I have not died - even though my atrocious lack of blogging might suggest just that. Last Wednesday at the crack of dawn I had the unpleasant experience of getting my wisdom teeth removed. Those who have experienced what I'm talking about can feel free to cringe in horror. I was under the false impression that I'd be able to swing right back in to work in a matter of hours.

Oh, contraire. It was in fact five days before I could function properly so as to stand up to the Weekly Volcano's work expectations.

However, I'm heavily medicated and doing swimmingly now - so back to the busy I went today. I'm just happy to be useful again. The cruel irony is that I will be making a copious amount of phone calls to local bars. Here I was thinking I'd be working with my hands rather than my injured mouth.

Well, as any adult will tell you, "It'll help ya build character!" 

Can one overdose on character? We shall see.