MORNING SPEW: WONKA Golden Tickets, Kingdom of the Little People ...

By Volcano Staff on March 4, 2010


Nestle is giving away five new Golden Tickets inside their new line of candy bars. Instead of touring the Nestle factory, winners will get a free trip around the world and $12,500 to buy chocolates!

Kingdom of the Little People is populated by small adults in fairy costumes.

The disastrous wave of earthquakes continues in Taiwan, which recorded a 6.4 magnitude quake on Thursday. So far, no one has been reported killed.

A man was arrested when his plane "touched" down in Denver for masturbating next to his female seatmate, whom he didn't know. For the record: If you do it by yourself, you have not joined the Mile High Club.

Why are acting awards still based on gender?

It's Catherine O'Hara's birthday!