MORNING SPEW: Academy Awards, Prince Mongo, chit chat kills

By Volcano Staff on March 8, 2010


A team of scientists has agreed that a giant asteroid killed off dinosaurs and a majority of other species on Earth more than 65 million years ago. We thought that this was old news?

Prince Mongo of the planet Zambodia hangs women's underwear and built mountains of sand at his house.

The FBI's Most Wanted List is turning 60: Thomas Holden, a bank robber and murderer was the first criminal to appear on the list on March 14, 1950.

The Church of Scientology has some members sign billion-year contracts.

In an exhausting long ceremony that snubbed Farrah Fawcett, Kathryn Bigelow became the first woman director to receive a Best Picture Oscar for her film The Hurt Locker. The Hurt Locker and Bigelow beat out her ex-husband James Cameron's Avatar.

Shooting the shit is bad for your health.