Tacoma Warehouse survey

By Volcano Staff on March 22, 2010


The Warehouse Team has posted a survey notice on the TacomaArt listserv

As some are aware The Warehouse in Tacoma has been shut down. It was an underground venue that helped showcase many new artists and musicians and get their start in the city. We would like to see this place re-open again and continue to be a place where the community can support the arts and continue its growth. We'd like your help! We want to know what Tacoma needs in a venue, and to start that process we'd love to hear your voice in through a survey. It will only take 2 minutes and there is even space for you guys to added any extra thoughts or concerns. 

We want to continue fostering the arts in Tacoma. Please help us! 

Here is the link,


Thanks Again,

The Warehouse Team  

LINK: Weekly Volcano's story on Warehouse closure