No fix this morning in the Theater District

By Michael Swan on March 2, 2010


It's not that I've been in denial, as they say in rehab. Denial is not my strong suit. For years I acknowledged my addiction with a blithe one-line toast: "Ah, coffee, the last drug of my generation."

Technically, of course, it isn't the last drug. Or even the last legal drug. But alcohol has been limited to non-pregnant, non-driving people in non-liver-and-life-destroying quantities.

Smoking isn't banned but banished beyond doorways where a community of folks look like they're having much too much fun.

Coffee, on the other hand, is culturally approved, universally accepted, socially enabled, and financially promoted. There's a fix on every corner.

Except in Tacoma's Theater District this morning.

The Café at 744 Market Street, or whatever it's being called at this moment, is dark with a "Coming Soon" sign announcing the future arrival of Café Messina. Messina's Web site announces an opening date of March 15.