Tacoman releases "The Saints Go Dying"

By Volcano Staff on April 6, 2010


City Club of Tacoma Executive Director Erik Hanberg has released his e-book today. Here's the press release:

In 2007 I started working on a novel called The Saints Go Dying, and I'm happy to say that I am releasing it today as an e-book. The novel is a detective mystery with some fun cat-and-mouse games between a detective and a killer.

It's reached #11 (so far) on the Kindle Police Procedural mystery bestseller list, which means it's even been selling better than some books by James Patterson, John Sandford, and other well-known mystery authors! (at least, in ebook form).

At $2.99 per copy, it's not going to make me rich (especially after Amazon's cut) but getting it read and getting it out there will help me build a readership for the sequel, The Marinara Murders, which I want to publish next year, or perhaps even to get this book noticed by a traditional publishing house. 

How to Buy

The book is exclusive to the Kindle, but you don't need a Kindle to read the book! Just download the free Kindle reader for Mac, PC, Blackberry, iPhone, or iPad. Virtually every computer or mobile device has a Kindle reader for it, so not only would you be helping me out, but you'd have a really fun mystery novel to carry with you on your phone or read during a break at your desk at work.

I hope you'll consider downloading and reading!

Here's the key links:

1) download the Kindle reader (if you don't already have a Kindle or the reader)

2) purchase the book