First Night 2010: Year of the Wascally Wabbit

By Ron Swarner on May 21, 2010


First Night - Pierce County's New Year's Eve alternative to hordes of drunken idiots, overpriced tickets, and Dick Clark's mummified visage - is on again this year, providing a family-friendly celebration rooted in the visual and performing arts. This year's event focuses on "The Year of the Rabbit" with metal as the official element and green or aqua as the official colors.

First Night Executive Director Patrice O'Neill and her herd are asking musicians, dancers, artists and instructors who want to participate in this year's event to submit proposals by Aug. 1. 2010. Criteria for judging include: relevance to community, inclusion of the rabbit theme, cost, appropriateness of material, fun, quality of performance and uniqueness.

Those interested may submit their proposals to