Cruising for art

By Ron Swarner on June 14, 2010


This Thursday, after you've picked up a free and excellent - if I do say so myself - entertainment weekly. After you've checked out the stories - including the cover story on Tacoma's Hempfest. After you've read the reviews. After you found out where DeRosa got drunk last week. After you've gotten some expert sex advice. What's a person to do after all that?

Jump on the freakin' ART BUS!

ART BUS is a bus tour of Tacoma's fringe art scene during Third Thursday Artwalk. The Tour begins at Speakeasy Arts Cooperative at 5 p.m. but passengers can board anywhere along the tour. Rider buttons are $10, this month designed by Speakeasy Arts Cooperative member Gregory Fricker (see art above).

Here's Thursday's route:

The start and stop times are not an exact science. "We make every effort to stay on time but ‘shop' happens," explains ART BUS Capt. Angela Jossy.

Jossy also mentions that there will be a special silent auction at the 253 Collective with a portion of the proceeds going to Tacoma Art Place that night. And Jennevieve Schlemmer is having a special art show at Madera Architectural Elements Thursday night.

Grab a 10 spot, and plot your jump on point. It's a fun, relaxing way to check out the art during Third Thursday Artwalk.