How to save Tacoma's Freedom Fair

By Ron Swarner on July 13, 2010


Bill Kaufman, CEO of Kaufman Kreative E-Commerce & Marketing, and board member of the Tacoma Events Commission - the organization that produces Tacoma's annual Fourth of July bonanza Freedom Fair - wrote an editorial in today's News Tribune listing 10 ways to save Freedom Fair. Last week, Doug Miller, executive director of Tacoma Events Commission, said Tacoma Freedom Fair is a million dollar event that is run on about a $250,000 cash budget.

Of the 10 ideas listed, one of Kaufman's ideas is to charge admission:

Ten times more admission revenue next year. I watched the admission gates for a couple hours and was amazed by how many people walked around them to avoid being asked to donate. There was barely one donation for every 100 people.

We could increase admission revenue 10 times by simply requiring an entry fee for everyone, and reducing admission to just $1. Everyone can afford that, and if they want to donate more, great. (For those who didn't donate, you can still do it online at

Another one of his ideas is a FreedomPalooza:

Ten really good music groups of all different types, all donating their performances.

A floating music stage with on-shore bleachers and a $10 admission fee could easily sell out and help generate much-needed revenue. Maybe call it the "FreedomPalooza"?

Of all his ideas, the admission charge seems the most likely to save the huge Fourth of July celebration. What do you think?