PHOTOS: Best of Tacoma 2010 Premiere Party at Masa

By Matt Driscoll on July 29, 2010


In addition to the 2,375 awards handed out at last night's Weekly Volcano Best of Tacoma 2010 Premiere Party, there was one award we had to save for this morning.

Best Hangover. I win.

Or, rather, tequila wins ... again. You would honestly think I'd know better by now.

But the important thing is I had a really good time, and (though I'm a bit biased) I get the feeling Tacoma did too. The showing was nothing short of amazing. I've taken to saying the Best of Tacoma 2010 Issue (In Spectacular 3-D!) is the finest slice of Tacoma ever put to print, and I believe the Premiere Party at Masa last night held up its end of the bargain: the finest slice of Tacoma ever packed inside Masa to down Tecate tall-boys and bask in the sun and glory of the 253.  It was pretty awesome.

Here are a few photos of the Best of Tacoma 20120 Premiere Party taken by Volcano photographer J.M. Simpson (click here to see the rest). I'm especially fond of his capturing of the pushup contest between Tacoma's Most Sexy Local Business Owner Melanie Manista-Rushforth and the ultra-ripped Masa door guy, and also the photo of emcee Doug Mackey prodding Best Local Actor Joe Rosati (tied with actor Matt Shimkus) into reading the Masa menu in thespian fashion - while EvergreenOne (in the Sonics jersey) tweets in the background about how "cracking" the party is, or how the greeter (accidentally, I hope) gave him a butt-sweat handshake. (Seriously, if you're not following EvergreenOne on Twitter you're missing out.)

A big thanks to everyone who voted in this year's Best of Tacoma readers' poll, everyone who came out to Masa last night to celebrate with us, and all the winners for making the 253 so damn awesome.

LINK: More photos in our Photo Hot Spot