Duke's Famous Sweet Tea

By Michael Swan on August 20, 2010


After a spell in the summer sun, nothing tastes better than a large glass of cool lemonade. So try chilling out with Duke's Famous Sweet Tea, an alcoholic version of the beverage that's sure to help beat the heat. Made with Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea flavored vodka, fresh squeezed lemonade and served on the rocks in a pint glass, the $5.50 cocktail will definitely quench your thirst. I just downed two on Duke's Chowder House's deck while watching a massive freighter chug into the Port. Delicious. However, the drink could be deadly. I couldn't taste the alcohol.

The main reason I tried the delicious drink? Their drink menu stated it was voted "Most Refreshing Drink 2010." Further investigation revealed the voting party was actually the Tacoma Duke's staff.

Smart people.

Duke's Chowder House

3327 Ruston Way, Tacoma