PHOTOS: Music and Art in Wright Park

By Volcano Staff on August 22, 2010


Yesterday from noon to 8 p.m., Music and Art in Wright Park 2010, which began in 1993 as Music in the Park, returned to Tacoma showcasing some of the best bands in the area, including Cities Without Anchors, Si Si Si, James Hunnicutt, Gold Teeth, Twink The Wonderkid, Girl Trouble, Lozen, Pioneers West, Good Gravy, C.F.A, The Dignitaries, Stone Axe, The Speans, I Defy and The Fucking Eagles. There was so much rock in Wright Park; it'd be hard to find any one person who could handle it all. Many did, including photographer Steve Dunkelberger who snapped 700 shots. We posted a good chunk of those in our Photo Hot Spot.

MAWP highlights for the Weekly Volcano were Gold Teeth (most of The Red Hot staff) singing Mudhoney's "Suck You Dry" with small children on the stage banging tambourines, Brad Wingard of Queer the Pitch (Tacoma 1993 represent!) singing with The Speans, K.P. Kendall donning a Mohawk in tribute of the Weekly Volcano readers voting Girl Trouble "Best Punk Band" in our Best of Tacoma 2010 issue, C.F.A.'s quasi-acoustic set, and, hell, everything else.

After The Fucking Eagles closed the day with a blistering set, co-producer Ken Johnson thanked the crowd, vendors, sponsors and bands, stating "see you next year - maybe."

It will be back. You can see it in the eyes of the bands and producers.