Concert Review: Hall & Oates at the Puyallup Fair

By Ron Swarner on September 23, 2010


Last night Daryl Hall and John Oates hit the Puyallup Grandstand stage with a five-piece backing band taking a bunch of moms and dads on a trip through their hits, including opening song "Maneater," which MTV played every hour from 1981-84. One by one, the band cruised through:

Encore One:

Encore Two:

One, two, three ... yes, a 12-song concert. The aged crowd finally slowly rose for "She's Gone," clapped for the saxophone player with the 4-foot long gray hair during every solo, and didn't start start dancing until the ninth song, except for the dude pictured above who danced every song. Hall still can hit the high notes at age 62. Oates has given up the goofiness. They turned "I Can't Go For That" into an extended jam, which worked. They tried to jam on "Rich Girl," which didn't work.

Being uncool for an hour, dancing like a dork to songs that marked major moments of my junior high years, was, well, cool.