5 Things To Do: "An Arrogance of Continuity," Fulcrum party, The Spittin' Cobras, Cosmic Bingo ...

By Volcano Staff on September 9, 2010

THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, 2010 >>>

1. The Mad Hat Tea Company hosts An Arrogance of Continuity, an evening of art that reflects on how fragile and delicate the world around us actually is - from 7-10 p.m.

2. Blackbird Pie performs at 10:30 a.m. at the Tacoma Farmers Market in downtown Tacoma.

3. Fulcrum Gallery closes out Mathew M Johnson's Impersonal Portraits charcoal and watercolor show with a hosted chat by Johnson, music by Pete Magneson, poetry by Denise Jolly and more beginning at 6 p.m.

4. The Spittin' Cobras, Witchburn, Plaster and All Bets On Death rock Hell's Kitchen at 8 p.m.

5. Bingo at BJ's in Fife is usually for old folks. There isn't any appeal for younger audiences, except hoping to score some quick cash for those new bitchin' car speakers. BJ's wants to change this. Tonight at 11 p.m. they'll instigate Cosmic Bingo. Picture dance music from a bumpin' DJ, neon lights and fast-paced, low-risk gambling. Your grandma probably could't keep up with this bingo - unless she's cool and not prone to seizures.

LINK: More arts and entertainment events in the South Sound