Today in beer

By Jennifer Johnson on September 10, 2010


"Brought in 50 cases last week, had maybe six or seven left," says Donna Herren waving her hands in the air.

What has her so excited, you ask?

Produce and ceramic pots?



Specifically, the Men's Room Original Red that Kris Blondin reported on last week. The Specialty 22-ounce bottled beers have arrived at the Boys' Sixth Avenue location, and "are FLYING out the door" says Herren, Tacoma Boys' wine, beer and cheese manager. 

In fact, "true beer geeks" as she fondly refers to those that appreciate finely crafted liquid libations, will be as thrilled with other new beer arrivals. "STOOPID DELICIOUS" is how Herren describes the seven tasty beers via email.

Hopworks Urban Brewery, Portland's first eco-brewpub, has two specifically awesome beers: Ace of Spades, an Imperial India Pale Ale the brewery refers as a hop goblin, and the summer seasonal Rise Up Red made with locally grown Cascade and Centennial hops that's an American style amber/red ale - both 2009 Great American Beer Festival gold winners. The two beers also incorporate organic ingredients and sustainable practices into their brewing.

Herren is also pleased with her acquisition of 22-ounce bottled microbrews from California-based Russian River Brewing, New York's Southern Tier Brewing and a line of Belgian-inspired beers called The Lost Abbey produced by Port Brewing.

Bottling 22s is a new endeavor for Ashland, Oregon's Caldera Brewery with the first batch sealed Feb. 5this year. It's a good time to try one out.

An entire section of the Sixth Avenue Tacoma Boys store is dedicated to microbrews, imports, and hard-to-find adult beverages such as sake, sparkling red wines and dessert wines you won't find at Safeway.

Tacoma Boys

5602 Sixth Ave., Tacoma