THE PREFUNK: Broho's Halloween Ball

By Matt Driscoll on October 29, 2010


Boo! It's Halloween. Or basically Halloween. Or whatever. The time has come for grownups to dress up in all sorts of bizarre and uncalled for costumes (my favorite so far is the slutty Chilean miner), and drink crazy amounts of Jagermeister in a pagan-like ritual the likes of which are seen but once a year.

Or something. Or whatever.

Anyway, the time has also come for The Prefunk, a weekly weekend primer for you AND your liver (with an added picture of an alcoholic household pet thrown in for good measure).

The Brotherhood's Halloween Ball

Saturday, Oct. 30

There are a lot of places you can get tanked on Halloween, or the night before Halloween for that matter. Your apartment. A friend's house. Your stepdad's basement. Work.

But few of those places will leave you with satisfaction that getting drunk at the Brotherhood in Olympia will Saturday night.

Not only is the Brotherhood on the short list of top places to drink and hangout in Oly, but Saturday it's also the place to find, without a shadow of a doubt, the best Halloween Ball in town.

And the kicker is 50 percent of proceeds from the night will go to SafePlace, a domestic violence advocacy group that deserves all the help it can get.

Basically, it's a win-win-win-win. And there's probably another win in there somewhere. You really can't go wrong.

DJ MSG will be in the house, and costumes are strongly suggested. The Weekly Volcano's Nikki Talotta, as noted in "The Weekend Hustle," will be behind the bar dressed as a Slutty Guitar. So look for that. It all kicks off at 9 p.m.

PREFUNK: Now is the time to finally unveil your Cornel West costume. Put the finishing touches on it (do you have a pocket watch yet?) and go forth and celebrate!