DAY THREE: AC Slater is so hunky!

By Matt Driscoll on November 24, 2010


With no discernable positive qualities other than dimples and rock-hard abs, Mario Lopez, who still manages to live a life of D-List celebrity, will  appear Saturday at the South Hill Mall in Puyallup for a meet and greet with fans from 1 - 3 p.m. Lopez will be joined by his wife, Courtney Mazza, which makes a lot of sense since she's the by-default co-star of Mario's new VH1 reality series "Saved by the Baby."

Get it? Because he used to be A.C. Slater? Get it?

Anyway, here's a YouTube clip from Lopez in his prime. We'll be doing this all week, if for no other reason than we think it's funny and it gives us a good excuse to search for "Saved by the Bell" clips on the clock.

Enjoy ...