5 Things To Do Today: Zoolights, Lelavision, Gritty City Gift Fair and more ...

By Volcano Staff on November 26, 2010

BLACK FRIDAY, NOV. 26, 2010 >>>

1. Although the holidays are a time for joy and light, Weekly Volcano curmudgeon music columnist Bobble Tiki will spend hours trying, unsuccessfully, to string lights around his hut in some presentable fashion all day today. Bobble Tiki's fingers will grow raw and numbed as family members shout orders through a bullhorn.  This is Dante's second circle of Hell for Bobble Tiki. Typically, the Volcano staff will drive by Bobble Tiki's hut tonight, point and laugh. However, after his third eggnog, it's not safe. That's when we head to Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium's Zoolights exhbit. Billed as the Northwest's premier light display, ZooLights includes seas of dazzling lights and breathtaking displays of ice-skating puffins, a preying eagle, tiger cubs, the Narrows Bridges and the massive flame tree, among others. The lights pop on from 5-9 p.m.

2. Remember when you used to dress your dolls up and make them act out scenes from Footloose? There they were all lined up on the bed, and G.I. Joe with the kung fu grip was causing trouble and Barbie was fighting with Cabbage Patch while their passive-aggressive little stuffed animal children hid their eyes. Yep, you've always been strange. But the point of this is you're still a fan of physical agility and humor. Vashon circus/music duo Lelavision - the troupe that combines Cirque de Soleil and Stomp, and then adds its own unique vision for a humorous, musical, theatrical and dance performance unlike any other - returns to the Museum of Glass for family-friendly performances at 1 and 3 p.m. Catch their science meets musical dance with a Cabbage Patch in your pocket. Freak.

3. We love the holidays, but let's face it: shopping at this time of year can suck. Snagging your nails in a catfight over a cashmere scarf, ruining your skin in the moisture-sucking mall air, and growing monster knots of tension just to cross each gift off your list makes for a stressful season. Enter the Jada-Moon Gridley-created Gritty City Gift Fair, where local artists and crafters will offer their one-of-a-kind fairs for all at Speakeasy Arts Cooperative from 1-8 p.m.

4. Other, non-North American English-speaking countries know the film of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by an alternate title: The Worst Kids In The World. That should tell you about the quality of the characters in question, and the odds that the title will actually come true. The Herdman clan will be inside the Lakewood Playhouse at 8 p.m. to teach you all about the true spirit of Christmas by lying, cheating, stealing, smoking and other wholesome endeavors. It's a feel-good season of joy for everyone. Or something.

5. DJ Omar mash things up at the Gruv Lounge and Nightclub beginning at 9 p.m.

LINK: It's Art at Work month!

LINK: New movies have opened

LINK: More arts and entertainment events in the South Sound