Under The Lights: Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving ...

By Michael Swan on November 23, 2010


Traditionally, the night before Thanksgiving is one of those blotto pre-family-disaster nights when GAP-forward and booze-and-tattoo types grind out all that angst on the dance floor in an effort to escape the next day in a haze.  I'm in.

Maybe it’s because you’re young and have nothing better to do. For whatever reason, most of you (and me) will be up until the wee hoursWednesday  night getting hammered. Like, seriously obliterated here. Because there’s no way we want to wake up before the parades are over. Not this year, Philbin. There’s no shortage of places that want our business, but one of the better pre-Thanksgiving bumps will be at the new Gruv Lounge and Nightclub. Local boys J-Fresh and dAb will spin during Gruv's '80s old school night.

Gruv Lounge and Nightclub

Wednesday, Nov. 24, 9 p.m.
3829 Sixth Ave., Tacoma