Crisis on "Infinite" Births

By Jason Baxter on November 11, 2010


The press sheet for Ecstatic Way/ex-Ponytail guitarist Dustin Wong's impressive new double LP Infinite Love reveals that the title is "a reference to a psychedelic experience of Dustin's." During our recent interview in anticipation of Wong's Saturday gig at Northern, I decided to ask him to get a little more specific. To wit, I wanted to know if the psychedelic experience was LSD-related, because let's face it, "Infinite Love" sounds like an acid-ism if ever there was one. Here was the totally off-the-wall explanation I received:

"It was mushrooms, actually. I ate a whole bunch at once, on my birthday. It was really intense; it got really dark and heavy. To get out of it, I started chanting, and I felt like I had to give birth. I got on my bed and started pushing, like a pregnant mother (in labor). It felt like something came out, and then I felt the love. And that all felt very significant to me, and that's what kind of inspired everything."

Incidentally, Infinite Love is such a blissful and euphoric record that it does kind of "sound like" a young man's purely imagined flood of post-natal endorphins.

LINK: Inspiration?