Hard at work on this week's Cup Check column

By Matt Driscoll on December 14, 2010


Every week, the Volcano's Cup Check column (conveniently located in the classifieds section of the paper) takes an irreverent look at the wild world of sports ... or at the very least that's the tagline.

Truth is, I just kind of make jokes about sports. It's not rocket science - it's just a good read about people with superhuman athletic ability doing really dumb stuff. Who doesn't love that?

Anyway, just wanted to let all seven faithful readers know that I'm currently hard at work producing this week's column, wading through stupid athletes left and right to make sure Cup Check includes nothing but the cream of the idiotic jock crop.

Will this d-bag coach from the NFL's Jets make the cut? Chances seem high ...

LINK: Previous Cup Check columns