Grocery Stories signs off

By Kris Blondin on December 8, 2010


My dear friends, it is with great regret that I tell you this will be my last Grocery Story.  But don't be sad, for this is not a bad thing. After a lovely evening involving a few tasty cocktails, Pappi Swarner and I decided that it was time for me to focus on my future and let my column go. I mean really, how many more grocery stores and their ilk were left for me to talk about?

So what does my future hold? It's all bright and shiny! You may remember a few years back when I owned a wine bar called Vin Grotto. I pretty much swore up and down that after I sold VG I would never own another restaurant again. Well, my attitude has changed, and I can only liken it to giving birth or running the Sound-to-Narrows - after a period of time you forget the pain and only remember the rewards.

So yes, I am venturing back into the world of food and hospitality. I can't tell you what, where or when at this time, but I can tell you it involves my greatest passion, and no it's not booze, it's CHEESE.

I just want to say thank you to all my loyal readers and of course thank you to everyone at Weekly Volcano and their blog, Spew, for letting me be a part of this fantastic media family. I've had a blast, but it won't be the last you'll see of me. ...

Be sure to stay tuned to this blog and the Weekly Volcano in the near future for all the sordid details of my rise back to culinary glory. Give me a few months and I will make your greatest dreams come true!

LINK: More than 50 local grocery store reviews!