Another video from the Thermals, who are still playing Northern in Olympia Sunday

By Volcano Staff on January 18, 2011

FUCKIN' A! >>>

This Sunday, Hutch Harris and Kathy Foster's the Thermals will be at Northern in Olympia -- just another amazing show brought to you by Oly's amazing all-ages arts and music space.

Naturally, and as we mentioned yesterday, we'll be previewing the show in this week's Volcano.

The good Rev. Adam McKinney interviewed the Thermals last month and has been sitting on a gold mine of quotes waiting for this moment.

And, there's been a new development! The Volcano's Nikki Talotta will be reviewing the show - posting her take on the band's first ever Olympia performance to Spew as fast as humanly possible once the Thermals strike their final chord.

Until then, like yesterday, you'll simply have to make due with a bit of music video goodness from the band.