Comment of the day (and yesterday): Highs and lows

By Volcano Staff on January 28, 2011


Since we missed yesterday, today offers two (count ‘em, two!) comments of the day - one of them just happens to be from yesterday.

The first comment comes from Kenny G in regard to today's installment of Behind Bars - our regular Spew feature built on real stories from real bartenders.

Kenny G writes,

"This is awesome. I'm working toward being a bartender as well and this was a good laugh. I can't wait til the next installment. Keep it up, its great. Thanks."

Our second comment, taken from yesterday, comes from Tacoma band Red Hex in regard to Adam McKinney's feature on Apache Chief and the band's record release show TOMORROW night at the Peabody Waldorf.

Red Hex writes,

"Hey, We are very very sick of being lumped together with Apache Chief, and ultimately being ignored in your publication. We are friends with the Chief but we have completely different sounds. Also, the reason people are coming to this show is because it's a good line-up. You should have at least mentioned the other bands..."