5 Things to Do Today: Star Party, Herman Boone, West African Drumming, Rockaraoke ...

By Volcano Staff on February 7, 2011

MONDAY, FEB. 7, 2011 >>>

1. Spend an evening with the stars tonight, and more specifically the Astronomical Society, during tonight's "Star Party." Pre-event hype, expect "an evening of viewing stars through telescopes (weather permitting) and a chance to make your very own stomp rocket." Hot chocolate will also be served. Go here for the details.

2. Herman Boone - the football coach captured in the movie Remember the Titans, will be at the University of Puget Sound speaking in Schneebeck Concert Hall as part of the school's celebration of Black History Month tonight. You may have already seen the movie, but this will be even better.

3. Every Monday, The Loft on Cherry in Olympia hosts Community West African Drumming. Tonight might be an excellent night to get your drum on.

4. There's a reason Monday Rockaraoke at Jazzbones is a Tacoma institution. The booze flows freely, and there's nothing quite like letting it all hang out on the first day of the week. See for yourself tonight.

5. The Ozzie Fuhrmann Band plays the Mandolin Café tonight. It starts at 7 p.m., and - even better - it's free.