Things To Do Today: David Wojnarowicz art, Project:U takeover, Knowledge Night, music ...

By Volcano Staff on February 16, 2011


1. Kids can be major dicks, especially to gay kids. With homosexuality becoming a more prominent theme on television, and in movies and music, kids are coming out earlier and earlier, and being around others kids, doesn't it puts them right in line for some old-fashioned playground bullying. Tacoma Art Museum is opening an installation on today in the George and Mary Davis Gallery that presents a selection of works by David Wojnarowicz with online access to the It Gets Better Project, the program started by Seattle columnist and author Dan Savage to inform LGBT youth that, yes, it does indeed get better. Artist Wojnarowicz narrowly escaped a viciously abusive family life to wind up as a homeless, underage street hustler in Manhattan in the early '70s dealing with HIV/AIDS, homophobia and dicks. Check it out the art of Wojnarowicz from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

2. Project:U, the 20- and 30-somethings who party and raise money for the United Way of Pierce County, will take over CORK! A Wine Bar from 4-10 p.m.  Owner Nick will donate 20 percent of the proceeds over the party people for them to do good. It's awesome, really.

3. Singer-songwriters Neal Woodall and Lisa Kuhlman will perform on the indoor porch of A Rhapsody In Bloom Florist & Cafe Latte beginning at 7 p.m.

4. Ya mon, Jazzbones' Wednesday Sessions welcomes Higher Vibes at 8 p.m.

5. Doyle's Public House's Knowledge Night Team Trivia games is so awesome they hold it twice every Wednesday - 8 and 9 p.m.

LINK: More arts and entertainment events in the South Sound

LINK: Half-price wine bottlepalooza