On This Date In History: Drunken Poetry

By Bobble Tiki on February 7, 2011

FEB. 7 >>>

A whole slew of writers (maybe that should be "cover" or, perhaps, "Whiny passel") were born on Feb. 7: Sinclair Lewis (1885), Charles Dickens (1812), Frederick Douglass (1818) and Gay Talese (1932).

Knowing what he knows about writers, Bobble Tiki wasn't terribly surprised to learn that today is also National Hangover Awareness Day; although one assumes that the harmonious celebration, if any, will be muted.

Seems fitting that Last word Books in Olympia hosts its Drunken Poetry tonight at 7:30 p.m. Here's how they describe their event:

Readings operate on a first-come first-serve sign-up basis. Our time is limited so we're looking for something in the ballpark of three poems of moderate length or one long poem and one short from each reader. You must however submit a piece to be read by the Designated Drunk, who will be chosen at the end of each reading or shortly after and will be informed well before the next reading. We encourage the buying of drinks for the Designated Drunk. Make it good because submissions will be considered for publication on the blogs and anthologized in a chapbook published quarterly by Last Word Press. Hours may vary without meaning or purpose.

  • No nature poetry. It's been done and there are a thousand other outlets for it in Olympia.
  • No Slam. You're not Saul Williams. That's okay.
  • Drunken Poetry is not a public therapy session; don't try to turn it in to one.
  • Unless it's extremely well written we don't care about that time you tried to kill yourself when you were sixteen. Try again.

Drink, write, edit, submit, read, drink, repeat. And, conveniently enough, the poetry reading will stagger off stage just in time for everyone to stumble over to Jazz Night at the Royal to tie a few more on, moron!

Drunken Poetry

7:30-9 p.m. first and third Monday
Last Word Books
211 4th Ave. E., Olympia

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