The future of Tap Into T-Town

By Steph DeRosa on February 2, 2011


Admittedly, I am the least competitive person I know.  There was even that one time in 7th grade when Jill Swanford bet me I couldn't French kiss Kurt Adler in public for more than 30 seconds.  He was gorgeous, I tell ya.  I couldn't even do that.  I mean, who in their right mind couldn't kiss Kurt Adler for at least 30 seconds?  I suck.  Horribly suck.  (Just ask Kurt Adler.  Zing!)

As happy as the peeps at Tap into T-Town are with  me for opening this blog with a fallatio innuendo, I'm sure they're ready to just get on with the breaking news.

Recently one of tap into T-Town's co-founders indulged me with information about what was to come in the future of the aforementioned annual event.  What I found out - and what will probably stab most Tap into T-Town fans as it did to me - is that there will not be a 2011 Tap into T-Town event. 

Say wha???

Downtown Tacoma's favorite annual scavenger hunt, and main fundraiser for the Tacoma City Kid's Marathon, is taking a much-needed hiatus in order to prepare for something much greater, much more intricate, and loaded with many more square miles of walking than before. 

(Dramatic drumroll, please...)

Ladies and gentlemen, Tap into T-Town is incorporating the Sixth Avenue Business District into the fold for a massive early-summer 2012 "The World is Coming to an End"  style scavenger hunt.  This means downtown Tacoma and Sixth Avenue will be part of the stamina-testing madness. 

Everything, and I mean everything, is going to be bigger and better about Tap Into T-Town come 2012.  Instead of 50 trivia questions there will be more.  Instead of four hours of running around downtown Tacoma's independent businesses there will be six hours of scouring downtown Tacoma AND Sixth Avenue.  You will have to take the Pierce Transit bus system. You will have to drink quite a few more drinks. And I hate to tell you this - but bribery amongst the Tap into T-Town judges will be much fiercer than before.  (And if you've attended a Tap into T-Town event before, you know exact how important bribery can be.)

Look here, people - I know I called "first place in 2011" for our Weekly Volcano team in last year's Tap into T-Town follow-up blog,  but hear me out... This time I'm scared.  Very scared.  The 2012 Tap-into T-Town scavenger hunt sounds huge.  It sounds like it would tear me apart.  To be honest, it sounds downright scandalous, dirty, and something my parents would not at all approve of. 

...Much like Kurt Adler back in 7th grade.  Rawr!

Look for more info to come here on the Weekly Volcano Spew blog or at