BLOG WATCH: Clearance Cuisine

By Ron Swarner on February 12, 2011


If your New Year's goals included cooking less often and spending less money, this new site could help: Clearance Cuisine, launched by Tacoma-area foodies Marisa and Ben. Their mission is simple: "We taste and comment on food and drinks from discount grocery stores, outlets and liquidators," or so states their website. Posts so far include reviews of WisPride Lite Port Wine Spreadable Cheese (Marisa: "It also kind of felt like modeling clay in my mouth"), Go Girl GLO Energy Drink (Ben: "not only will your weight loss be minimal and short lived, but your nuts might disappear too"), and PLOMBO Ice Cream Cups (Marisa: "more like a pseudo-McDonald's soft serve than a gourmet treat"). They have tasted disgusting food-like products.

Their reviews sing with humor, the photography is crisp, and it's my new favorite blog. They should app it.