5 Thing to Do Today: Rob Folson, Applini's bingo, Art Without Borders, Phunkatron and more ...

By Matt Driscoll on March 30, 2011

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2011 >>>

1. Leaning in the acoustic, folk and Celtic direction, Rob Folsom will perform at A Rhapsody in Bloom on Sixth Avenue in Tacoma tonight at 7 p.m. If that doesn't strike your fancy, try perusing the Volcano's extensive live local music calendar here.

2. What happens when a team of local artists travels to Bwindi, Uganda, to teach art making to members of the Batwa pygmy tribe? Find out today during a free lecture, where Art Without Borders trip participants Marsha Conn (project organizer), Lynn Di Nino, Cheryl Johnson, Annie Moorehouse, Joan Robbins, Elinor Maroney and Carol Brady will recount stories of their extraordinary journey, and their efforts to aid the Batwa people.

3. Ahh yeah, boi! Phunkatron does its thing at Jazzbones tonight. Why should Wednesday night be boring?

4. Like bingo? Like free stuff? Like not getting drunk, falling down, making an ass of yourself and eventually ruining your life? Well, then, partner - we say try Applnni's Two Clean and Sober Club tonight in Puyallup ... because it's "Free Bingo," ya'll!

5. Go loony for letterpress today at the Collins Memorial Library at the University of Puget Sound, checking in with the Quintessence: The Ethereal and Material That Inspire the May Day Press exhibit by Alice Michaelis that runs through April 14.