5 Things to Do Today: Le Voyeur Movie Night, Dana Nicole Haley, Euro Night, Open Stage at O'Malley's ...

By Volcano Staff on March 28, 2011


1. It's Movie Night at Le Voyeur in Olympia. Grab some Chicken Fried Tofu, a beer, and chill out. Or if that doesn't tickle your fancy, gander at the Weekly Volcano's complete events calendar here.

2. Hey! Did you realize keyboardist Dana Nicole Haley performs every Monday at The New Frontier Lounge in Tacoma? It's true. Also exciting - the Volcano's comprehensive live local music listings, which can be found here.

3. You can get your dance on at Surreal Ultra Lounge - as it's "Euro Night." Just lose the baggy clothes and baseball hats.

4. O'Malley's recently kicked off its Monday open mic series, known as "Open Stage," hosted by Sevens Revenge. Seeing as it's Monday, they'll be back at it tonight. See pictures from the debut here, just to whet your whistle.

5. Catch Happy Hour at the Tacoma Children's Museum. No, seriously.