COMMENT OF THE DAY: Say no to digital billboards and boycott the Volcano for their “Get In On The Party” billboards (trademark pending, editor Matt Driscoll)

By Volcano Staff on March 25, 2011


Today's comment of the day comes from "Volcano Boycotting RR Anderson" (who, we presume, is the artist formally known as simply RR Anderson - he of "Tacomic" fame) in regard to Zach Powers's first "Tacoma: Week In Review," post, scheduled to hit weekly, on Friday, at the Volcano's blog, Spew.

"Volcano Boycotting RR Anderson," writes,

And furthermore, please remember to email the planning commission and tell them NO digital billboards, and NO illegal billboards for Tacoma. Please enforce the 1997 law and give Clear Channel Outdoor the billboard shaft. Also Boycott the billboard fornicating Volcano!