Today: Books by the Inch Sale

By Michael Swan on March 13, 2011

WAKE UP! >>>

Today is not just any Sunday. Daylight Savings Time began at 2 a.m., and you probably didn't turn your clocks ahead before you went to bed. Which means you are late for church (if you go to church).

Books to the rescue!

From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church of Tacoma, the Tacoma Lesotho Connection and the Micah Project will sell hardbound and paperback books for $1 per inch. It's in a church, so that counts, right?

CDs, DVDs, VHS films, art, maps and games are on sale too. Not sure about the inch thing on those items.

All proceeds go toward construction of the St. Camillus Orphanage and home based care center in the Mohale's Hoek region of Lesotho, Southern Africa.

Grab a couple books and you're good to go until we can "fall back" once again.