Spaceworks in words

By Michael Swan on March 16, 2011


It may go without saying that Johannes Gutenberg is one of the more solid contenders for Person of the Most Ever, but the possibility of his having given birth to an artistic revolution as well is rarely mentioned. Unless, of course, you're into fine art printing. The folks behind Spaceworks Tacoma are, and if you've never had the opportunity to experience the wide range of expressive possibilities particular to printing - and calling in personal ads doesn't count - then strolling past Jessica Spring's Bit Map show at the Woolworth Building should bring you up to speed. The Spaceworks Tacoma blog has the details on Spring and her latest show here. Papa Gutenberg would be proud.

Bit Map

March 17-July 1
Woolworth Building, 11th & Broadway

LINK: More Spaceworks Tacoma