5 Things To Do Today: Tacoma Cult Movie Club party, Tacoma Reads Together, Blues for Japan, and more ...

By Volcano Staff on April 10, 2011

SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2011 >>>

1. Honestly, this one's really tripping us out. We swear (like TOTALLY swear!) we were just working on a one-year retrospective of the Tacoma Cult Movie Club. Now ... BOOM! The club is two. Kids these days; they grow up so fast. Originally created by the Tacoma-legendary Reverend Colin and Tobin Ropes, and now with the venerable poster design skill of Holland Hume on board (yes, he of the creepy Billy Maze Volcano cover of 2009, and the vomiting Lee Harvey Oswald Volcano cover of 2009), there's no stopping this beast. Just like the poster reads, "They said it could be stopped. They were wrong." Today, celebrate in style starting at 4 p.m. with a kickass raffle and a potluck at the Acme Grub Cage ... not to mention the all time best TCMC flicks, as voted on by you!

2. Tacoma Reads Together welcomes William Kamkwamba, author of The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity of Hope, for a reading and signing at 2 p.m. inside the Olympic Room of the Tacoma Public Library's Main Branch in downtown Tacoma.

3. Look, we don't much care how you do it. But one way or another you should really try to set a few dollars aside for Japan and the massive, massive (damn near incomprehensible) relief efforts underway there. Not to make light of the situation, but perhaps one of the most entertaining ways you could possibly achieve this is by heading to The Swiss. From 2-10 p.m. for a worthy benefit to aid Japan and the Red Cross featuring the Japanese drum ensemble One World Taiko, plus Malcolm Clark Band, Loose Gravel and the Quarry, Randy Oxford Band, Fingertips, Norma Beach, Kim Archer and New Old Stock.

4. Yeah, sure, you can stay home to keep dry, pop some corn, and watch whatever you rented from your couch, but you really should make it out to The Grand Cinema and Tacoma Community College hosted Diversity Film Festival. Today's 2:30 p.m. feature is Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Hollywood's idea of a stirring call for racial justice.

5. The Sunday-night malaise bums out even the happiest of partyers: a day spent slothing around in pajamas, a week of work hanging in the near future. It's time to shake off those blues, put on a clean shirt and head into town to listen to some, well, blues. The Spar in Old Town Tacoma features live blues every Sunday evening from 7-11 p.m. Sit back, snack on some of The Spar's scrumptious grub and listen as local blues musicians do their best to conjure up the spirits of Muddy Waters, Son House and Robert Johnson. Tonight, Blues Redemption sets up in the corner.

LINK: More arts and entertainment events in the South Sound