COMMENT OF THE DAY: A story about Bruce, and a reaction

By Volcano Staff on April 28, 2011


Today's comment comes from Renee Timmer in response to a Spew post today penned by Sanford and Son's Alan Gorsuch about an artist named Bruce.

Renee Timmer writes,

This brought me suddenly to sobs. I so feel for Bruce, his family and friends, and Alan and Cheryl too. My biological mother left the world this way as well, and I am familiar with the wondering and the "Why's?" and the lost potential and chances, and the regret and guilt that you didn't know or should have been able to stop them somehow, and the ache there that never quite goes away. But I also know they don't do it to be "selfish" (I get such a rush of anger when I hear someone ignorant spout off with that insensitive remark time and time again), but because they just can't take the anquish, either mental or emotional or physical, anymore, and because they often start to actually believe they'd be doing everyone a favor by not being a "burden" anymore once they're gone. My heart and prayers are with you all, and here is dearly hoping they find the peace and relief they need on the other side. May they RIP with the angels to guide and comfort them now. God forgives and understands, and so should we.