Yes, it’s THAT Ernest A Jasmin

By Matt Driscoll on April 30, 2011


I just wanted to take a moment on this fine Saturday morning to personally thank (through blog) Ernest Jasmin for putting together this week's Volcano story on the passing of Tacoma music legend Kent Morrill. It's a great piece, and the Volcano is honored to have had Jasmin write it for us.

As savy Tacoma readers will surely recognize, Jasmin was a longtime music and pop culture writer for the News Tribune before leaving the paper earlier this year. During his time in Tacoma Jasmin has more than earned the respect of those within the music scene, known for fighting the good fight to get as much of the real Tacoma music scene stuff in the Trib as humanly possible - you know, as opposed to the Britney Spears show previews the Trib editors seem to drool for.

Bottom line: Jasmin has covered the Wailers and Morrill with more frequency and skill than anyone I can think of over the years, and having him write this story for the Volcano was a no-brainer. The Trib's loss is the Volcano's gain.