COMMENT OF THE DAY: Dressing for success

By Volcano Staff on May 3, 2011


Today's comment comes from Unintentional Housewife in response to an article by Kris Blondin from way back in 2010, about appropriate grocery store attire.

Unintentional Housewife writes,

I feel your pain. I have a tendency to run into exactly the people that I don't want to see whenever I go into a grocery store in anything potentially embarrassing. So it's possible that I would have gone back home & just been late to Glee. My one exception: if I've actually been WORKING OUT, I'm proud to enter the grocery store a sweaty mess, in my sweat-soaked clothes. Gross for other shoppers? Maybe. Grosser than my pink grandma slippers? Probably. Badge of accomplishment for actually making a workout happen? Definitely. Score one in the "win" column.