By Volcano Staff on May 9, 2011


Today's comment comes from Harrison Fart in response to Rev. Adam McKinney's review of Thor. To be fair, Fart's comment was just one of many seething responses the review garnered. Rev. Adam, for the umpteenth time, has proven the fastest way to big Internet numbers is by insulting a mediocre superhero flick and/or the 3-D craze.

Harrison Fart writes,

Mr. McKinney,

The problem is that this review completely denies any worth that this film actually holds, colored by the fact that you betray your own bias with your comments on Captain America, Green Lantern and the Avengers--films which have yet to be released and, though existing in a larger cultural trend of comic book movies (some of which have been absolutely horrendous, to the sure), deserve fair treatments as films rather than simply fad.

The performances of Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston were, frankly, very well done. The characters--especially that of Loki--were not cardboard cut-outs, but in actuality quite complex.

Though I'm sure Kenneth Branagh made a s*** ton of money, that doesn't nullify the fact that he is a fantastically skilled director.

Finally, you might want to stray away from spending over a quarter of a film review not talking about the film, but instead going on a little tirade over the technology of modern film making. While I agree that 3D is an unnecessary and tasteless gimmick for the most part, your discussion of it here is not befitting the actual job you are supposed to fulfill.

Thor did not start 3D. You do not have to see Thor in 3D.
So why make such a point of talking about 3D here.

You obviously have an opinion on 3D. And on the super hero genre.
But have the journalistic integrity to review a film as just that: a film.