Posts about bands playing the Gorge that mysteriously disappear from SPEW

By Matt Driscoll on May 3, 2011


From time to time, you may have recently noticed (like, earlier today) a post will mysteriously disappear from SPEW without much explanation.  This might happen for any number of reasons, though it's never a move we feel good about making. When it does happen, know it's a last resort.

You see, sometimes the blog post that mysteriously disappears from SPEW is about a band playing the Gorge. Sometimes it's about a major band playing the Gorge and a local band playing the Gorge on the very same night(s) (call it "opening" if you will). Sometimes this major band playing the Gorge strictly forbids the smaller, local band playing the Gorge on the same day(s) from officially announcing the show. Sometimes the local band tells us anyway, and we get so excited we forget to ask if they've been tasked with any rules or regulations about what they can or cannot say about the show. We're not really sure why any of this is true. But it is. Just trust us.

Anyway, sometimes all of this happens. It's a rare occasion, to say the least. When it does happen - in the interest of hoping to keep said local band out of trouble with said major band - we just take the post down. Sure, we could argue in our comment section with said major band's fanbase (who've proven far more proficient with the F-bomb than I pictured) about the validity of the since-removed post, or put said local band at risk of losing the gig all together by keeping it online, but where's the fun in that? We'd rather just cruise around on our Segways.

Bottom line: I apologize for the confusion. And I take it all back.

Except for the that one part - which I totally meant.