SASQUATCH DAY TWO: Liquor, Whores and Pure Genius (plus a bunch of Canadians)

By Ernest A. Jasmin on May 28, 2011


Not to beat this whole "Canadians are taking over" thing, but not only do a whole gang of today's acts - K-Os, Dan Mangan, "Trailer Park Boys" - hail from north of the border, but I've also witnessed no less than two mob outbursts of "Go, Canucks, Go!" And it's early, when most of those guys are (presumably) reasonably sober. I smell a hockey riot a brewin'. 

Actually, I recently became a huge fan of Trailer Park Boys. I got hooked and breezed through all seven seasons just this month, thanks to Darrell from Northwest Convergence Zone. But nothing's been quite right with "TPB" since Trevor and Corey left after season six - live show included. 

Main characters Bubbles (actor Mike Smith), Ricky (Robb Wells) and Julian (John Paul Tremblay) were on hand at the Banana Shack just a little while ago, but muddy sound made it pretty difficult to pick out much more than Bubbles' screechy f-bombs. 

Wonkawonkwonka.  Something about reenacting the Apollo 13 mission. But why do they have tin foil on their heads? 

Wonkawonkawonka. Something about Ricky starting a school where you can smoke pot.

Wonkawonkawonka. "Samsquanch" reference, some bimbos onstage. Hell, I didn't know what was going on. But I could agree with the lady perched on her friend's shoulders, gleefully waving her maple leaf flag as Bubbles sang his cult hit. 

"Liquor an Whores": Pure genius.


For live updates throughought this year's Sasquatch Music Festival follow Ernest Jasmin at @SavageErnests on Twitter.

LINK: Sasquatch Day One: Foo Fighters go retro