SATURDAY: "Desert of Forbidden Art"

By Molly Gilmore on May 6, 2011


How unlikely was it that 40,000 works of Russian avant-garde art, forbidden by the former Soviet Union, would be housed in a museum in Uzbekistan?

When told about the museum, filmmaker Tchavdar Georgiev at first didn't even believe it.

"We heard about this incredible collection in the middle of the desert," says Georgiev, who lived in Russia until he was seven-years-old and speaks the language fluently. "I said, ‘That is simply impossible. There can be nothing of any value there.' So we didn't go."

Impossible but true, as he found out and is now sharing with the world via Desert of Forbidden Art, screening in Olympia May 7-12. Georgiev and fellow filmmaker Amanda Pope, a professor at the University of Southern California, will speak at the first screening Saturday.

To read Molly Gilmore's full article on Desert of Forbidden Art, click here.

Desert of Forbidden Art with filmmakers

Saturday, May 7, 6:30 p.m.

$8.50, $5.50 for Olympia Film Society members, $4 for kids

Film screens daily through May 12

Capitol Theater, 206 Fifth Ave. S.E., Olympia

360.754.6670 or or