Satellite Coffee on Market Street to close at the end of May

By Steph DeRosa on May 12, 2011


As most Tacomans are aware, Satellite Coffee Company has become a neighborhood staple, providing caffeinated happiness to all who enter.  However, Satellite co-owner Pat Brown informs me his cup of happiness has recently runneth over.

Currently with three Satellite locations to get your Stumptown Coffee Roaster's buzz on - Sixth Avenue (Masa), Division Street and Market Street (Smooth & Juicy/Embellish Multispace) -- Brown stays way busier than he ever anticipated, and busier than any one person has time for.  With this inundating schedule comes the inevitable need to lessen his workload.

The solution?  Close one of the three Satellite locations.

As of 6 p.m. May 27, Satellite Coffee Company's Market Street location is closing its doors for good. 

No, this isn't the end of Satellite Coffee. As a matter of fact, the truth couldn't be more opposite.  "The Masa location practically runs itself, and the main Satellite location is crazy busy with a line going out the door almost all day," Brown tells me with certainty. "I just need to slow down and concentrate on certain things."

I then take a moment to remind him we are no longer considered young, spring chickens.

What will happen to the space where the Market Street Satellite occupies common walls with Smooth & Juicy (inside Embellish Multispace) has been determined... sort of.  Brown is looking to sell the coffee and espresso business at the location, but not the Satellite Coffee Company name.  He says anyone interested in knowing more about the spot should email him at