TACOMA WEEK IN REVIEW: Utility workers get a raise, Pierce Transit does half the dirty work, and David Boe’s campaign kick-off party

By Zach Powers on May 13, 2011

In search of some local political scensterism I stopped by Tacoma City Councilman David Boe's campaign kick-off party at the Maritime Museum Wednesday evening. Listening to the night's speeches made two things clear: apparently urban-focused architects make fantastic city council members (makes sense), and David Boe is an alternative brand of local politician. Since being appointed in 2010 it had been unclear until recently if Boe would run for Position 7 once the time came. A visual artist, thespian and musician, Boe is a pleasant, albeit quirky, break from the political norm.

Fellow council members Woodards, Fey, Campbell, Walker and Mello all addressed the crowd, in addition to Boe. Walker also read a praise-laden statement from Mayor Strickland, calling Boe's appointment "one of the smartest decisions we've (the council) ever made."

To read the full Tacoma Week in Review column, click here.