COMMENT OF THE DAY: Fat or unattractive actors welcome

By Volcano Staff on June 20, 2011


Today's comment comes from Heather in response to Volcano theater critic Christian Carvajal's blog of the week, in which he delicately poses the indelicate question: Is it possible for an actor to be too fat or unattractive for a role?

Heather writes,

As with any physical feature that is outside of the "norm" of what you expect in a character, if the person is a good actor, facially, vocally, and physically, I personally don't think it matters. I think most of the time when a overweight person isn't convincing in a role that doesn't have dialogue pertaining to size that gets downright contradicted, it's because they are self-conscious and it shows. The only successful actor I know of that graduated from my college's theatre program is overweight, and while she does do mainly character parts, she's been cast in romantic leads with smaller partners quite a few times. And it's because she has a sexy voice and is confident as hell.