SATURDAY: Harry and the Potters

By Molly Gilmore on June 25, 2011


When he and his brother founded wizard-punk band Harry and the Potters in 2002, Paul DeGeorge never imagined the band would be paying his bills.

"I want to say I'm a professional wizard," says Paul, who'll be playing with brother Joe DeGeorge Saturday behind the Olympia Timberland Library. "We thought this would be a weird little side project. We never thought we'd be touring nationally and quitting day jobs."

While he is a fan of the books, Paul says the project was more whim than serious endeavor.

"I knew that people loved these books, but I had no idea there was such a fandom until people got interested in what we were doing and I started getting e-mails from all over the world," he says. "The books were coming out every couple of years, but people needed more. They wanted more ways to interact with the books.

"We were filling that gap, but at the time, it was just like, ‘Let's see if we can convince librarians to let us play in the library if we sing about Harry Potter.'"

To read Molly Gilmore's full article click here.

Harry and the Potters

Saturday, June 25, 6 p.m., Free

On Ninth Avenue behind the Olympia Timberland Library, 313 Eighth Ave. SE, Olympia, 360.352.0595 or or