SATURDAY: Olympia Record Show

By Nikki Talotta on June 3, 2011


Walk, bike, drop in by parachute. However you do it, make your way to the Elks Lodge Saturday, June 4, for the third occasional Olympia Record Show.

Naturally, the Olympia Record show will feature live music by DJ Wildman James and Selector Edmund, a full bar for those of drinking age and-of course-tons of everybody's favorite round, vinyl, soul pleasers: records! (Not to mention the peppering of VHS, cassettes and other rarities.) For $2 admission, this event excites dealers, collectors and dabblers alike.

Vinyl records have long been coveted for their superior sound quality, artistic covers and collectability. Many people believe vinyl holds precedence over other musical formats.

To read Nikki Talotta's full article click here.

[Olympia Elks Lodge, Olympia Record Show, Saturday, June 4, 5 - 9 p.m., $2, 1818 Fourth Ave. E., Olympia,]