Notes from the Weekend: Sea scallop stuffed mushrooms

By Ron Swarner on June 6, 2011


When you think back about your first kiss at a junior high school dance, does the image of your young lips awkwardly touching another's dissolve into the flavor of grape soda out of the vending machine, room temperature grocery store cold cut trays and nervously eaten Cheetos dregs?

It does for me. Nothing is as delicious as memory.

Late Saturday afternoon, as the warm sun slowly disappeared behind the O'Reilly Auto Parts store, Kate and I dined on mesquite lamb chops, Brand Cabernet and Pasteles Fritos on the glorious deck of Asado. Often, we'd sit silent pointing our stark white faces at the sun in a state of Zen. Laughter did bust out several times watching the circus parade in and out of the liquor store across the street.

The best memory of the dining experience came first and remains the strongest. Asado has a sea scallop stuffed mushroom in panko as an appetizer special that is to die for. The sweet-tasting sea scallops and fleshy, earthy mushrooms burst with magnificent flavor. A savory fruit salsa with dominating strawberry and apple might appear as mere plate beauty, but applied to the tasty orbs it sends them to the next taste level.

Awesome server Kate W. says the appetizer should stick around at least through Wednesday. Give Asado a buzz.


2810 Sixth Ave., Tacoma